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PZC Minutes 9-24-02
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Kevin McCann, Louise Evans, Patrick Kennedy, Suzanne Choate, Tim Wentzell, and Sue Larsen

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Bart Pacekonis
                                Roger Cottle
                                Gary Bazzano

STAFF PRESENT:          Marcia Banach, Director of Planning
                                Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer

Chairman McCann opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m.

Commissioner Evans read the legal notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Appl 02-46P, DBB Management, request for zone change from RR to General Commercial for 1.35 acres of land located on the northerly side of McGuire Road, westerly of Route 5 and 400+ feet east of King Street

Peter DeMallie was present to represent the applicant.  He introduced his team and gave an overview of the site and the applicant’s proposal of  zone change from rural residential to general commercial for a 1.35-acre parcel on the north side of McGuire Road known as 36 McGuire Road.

DeMallie referenced the Plan of Conversation and Development - Land Use Plan Map where it depicts this location suitable for economic development.  The applicant has made every attempt to contact all abutters to make them aware of the application of zone change.  There are no wetlands on this property.  The property abuts Interstate 291 eastbound and is very close to Route 5, and due to the location of this parcel it would be more suitable for general commercial and less desirable for residential use.  If approved, the applicant plans to come forward with a site plan application.  If the zone change is granted, there will be a residential buffer created and the ADRC would review the building and landscaping for the site plan.

The applicant’s are the owners and operators of the Hartford Truck Equipment, Inc. and DBB Management located at 67 McGuire Road.  The construction of this new building would store product and house the office and streamline the existing operations of their business at the present location.  The hours of operations would be from 7:00am to 4:30 p.m. not to disturb the homeowners in the area.

DeMallie reviewed the conceptual plan of development of the site if the zone change is approved by PZC:

Construction an attractive building approximately 7,400 sq ft consisting of office space and a storage area.
23 parking spaces (18 required)
13% lot coverage (30% allowed)
33% impervious coverage (65% allowed)
The building will be 50ft from the westerly property line adjacent to a residential area that would require a 50ft buffer.
The applicant would be required to obtain a zoning variance for a buffer in the front yard against the street.
The lot as proposed is four times the lot size required in a commercial zone.
There would be nominal traffic to this site.
This site is visible from I291 and an attractive building would be a welcoming entrance to South Windsor from the I291 exit and entrance ramps at this location.

DeMallie submitted an information packet consisting of photos of the site and letters in support of the application (Exhibit A Packet) and a letter submitted by Mr. Ed King, (Exhibit B) in support of this application.

Chairman McCann clarified the packet that DeMallie submitted to the Commission will be entered into the record and the letter from Mr. Ed King was not part of the packet and will be read into the record separately.

Banach reviewed the Planning Report:

Request for zone change from Rural Residential to General Commercial for 1.35 acres located on the north side of McGuire Road. The minimum lot size in the new zone is 20,000 square feet, or ½ acre. Frontage is 250 feet, 100 feet required.
The site is surrounded by RR-zoned on the same side of McGuire Road. Across the road, on the south side of McGuire Rd, part of the subject property’s frontage is across from General Commercial-zoned land. An off-ramp for I-291 is located about 130+/- feet from the east property boundary. The new Town Plan depicts land along Route 5 as Commercial/Industrial, with Low Density Residential to the west of the Route 5 corridor.
Section 16 includes criteria for a zone change:
How the zone change compares with the Comprehensive Plan of Development;
How the land shall be secured from flooding and other dangers;
How the land upstream and downstream in the same watershed shall be secured from flooding and other dangers;
How the land shall be served by water, sewerage, transportation, and other public utilities; and
How the proposed zone change will affect any wetlands in the area.
General Commercial is the least restrictive of the commercial zones. If this property is rezoned to General Commercial, the uses allowed as of right include retail sales, restaurants and taverns including fast food, laundry, printing, building materials sales and storage, motor vehicle sales and storage, gas stations. Special exception uses include day care centers and adult-oriented establishments.
A zone change is the appropriate time to discuss traffic impacts. The small amount of existing General Commercial land on McGuire Road is accessed by traveling through a residential neighborhood. This is a very undesirable situation. When the zoning along Route 5 was first established, McGuire Road was a through street, and the residential neighborhood did not have to experience commercial traffic. The construction of I-291 severed the connection of McGuire Rd to Route 5. The Commission needs to carefully consider whether you wish to expand the amount of commercial land accessed by residential streets.
If this zone change is approved, there will be a 50 -foot buffer requirement around most of the property, including along the portion of the property frontage that is across the street from residentially-zoned property. The buffer will have to result in the field of view between the commercial property and the residential property being obscured within five years to the extent that activity on the commercial property is not immediately apparent; and activity on the commercial site must be substantially obscured visually by the maturity of the planting.
The buffer requirement has a particularly large impact on a single commercial property zoned differently from those around it, as would be the case if this application is approved. You can see from the 11” x 17” map that I provided, that application of the required buffer and yard setbacks on all sides leaves very little room for a building. The approximate building area is that area inside the pink boundary. Parking areas would be able to go up to the yellow line, but nothing can go within the 50-foot buffer. It seems a logical next step for the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant variances if the Commission has approved a rezoning with full knowledge that there is not much buildable area and full knowledge of the various uses permitted in a GC zone.
We note for your information that the existing business at 67 McGuire Rd, owned by the applicant, has a large amount of unscreened outdoor storage that is clearly visible from Route 5. The end of McGuire Road itself is also being used for outdoor storage by the truck body company. The applicant has been cited for zoning violations for the outdoor storage. In response to the notice of violation, the owner has indicated that the new site, if rezoned to GC, would be used for a new building for the company’s display room and other facilities, which the owner notes would then clean up the existing site.
The wetlands map does not show any regulated wetlands on this site.
Public water is available, but there are no public sewers in this area.
Site plan of development approval would be required prior to any commercial use of this site.
If this zone change is approved, the Commission must state on the record that they have found the zone change to be consistent with the plan of development.
Doolittle had no engineering comments.
Public participation in opposition was as follows:
Al Chase, 20 McGuire Road, addressed the Commission with his opposition regarding the zone change and appreciates the owner’s willingness to communication with the abutters but feels the neighborhood would be compromised should this zone change be approved.  Chase questioned how you can approve a commercial zoned property within a residential area that has no commercial access to any of the highways?  Going into the neighborhood will create traffic with very large vehicles that is dangerous to the residences and having these vehicles enter and exiting at all hours would be very disturbing.  The zone change will also affect the property values in the neighborhood.
Joe McKeon, 593 King Street, agrees with Mr. Chase’s comments.  There has been a substantial increase in traffic since the coming of Hartford Truck Equipment to this residential area.  The site is difficult to find and you sometimes have large trucks screeching and backing up within the residential area.  McKeon stated he is all for economic development in South Windsor and Hartford Truck Equipment seems to be a successful business but they do not have access from a major highway and that should be considered when making a decision on this application.  There is also a major concern long term of this site being zone commercial in the future.
Kathleen Chase, 20 McGuire Road, commented on the photos that were submitted into the record by DeMallie (which she did not see) seemed to show this property from every angle but from her property.  Chase suggested the Commission should go out to the site before making a decision and take a look at the damage to these residential roadways these heavy trucks are creating.

The Commission had the following questions/concerns:

Commissioner Cottle asked is the only access to this site is from King Street and Burnham Street.

Banach responded yes.

Commissioner Cottle questioned what other commercial businesses are on McGuire Road and will they create their own truck traffic?  Is there ever truck traffic in the evening or trucks waiting overnight?
DeMallie responded there are three other commercial businesses within the King buildings.  DeMallie asked if he could clarify some information regarding Hartford Truck stating that their hours of operation are 7:30a.m. to 4:30p.m., Monday-Friday (they do not accept deliveries any other time).  There may be other commercial traffic on McGuire Road that does not belong to Hartford Truck.  There may be a commercial vehicle waiting for Hartford Truck in the morning.  The applicant is not anticipating increase truck traffic and on average they have one major delivery per week.  The proposal is for storage and office space without creating additional truck traffic on McGuire Road.

Commissioner Cottle inquired if the new building were constructed would that eliminate the outdoor storage?

DeMallie responded the applicant has had outdoor storage since 1994 for display of plow blades and related material.  Hal Cummings added if the zone change is granted, the applicant would be coming forward with an application and site plan for their current site and the proposed site for review by the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Commissioner Wentzell asked for a review of the Planning Report from Banach.  Wentzell also commented on the Future land Use Map and states it indicates a very small buildable area and the applicant stated that before they came forward with a site plan they would be going to ZBA to obtain a variance for the buffer in the area facing McGuire Road.

Banach responded with a listing of uses allowed in this area.  DeMallie responded the applicant is aware of the I291 area being zone rural residential.  If the zone change is approved the zone change would not be filed until ZBA approval is obtained.  Banach added  there are no unzone areas in town.

Commissioner Wentzell asked Banach if we consider a zone change knowing that a ZBA application would be submitted, could the applicant propose zoning change regulations that could be adopted as part of the approval so the Commission is not approving a change subject to another agency having to review it.

Banach responded yes

Commission Wentzell asked if is it possible to review the site plan application now.

Banach stated the Commission couldn’t review a site plan because it is not a permitted use in that zone.

Commissioner Wentzell asked Banach in her opinion as a planner, if this lot is not a potential piece of property that could become a house lot.

Banach responded that it may not be highly desirable as a house lot, the bottom line is there is always a buyer and it is usually price driven.

Commissioner Kennedy asked if activities are proposed down the road that are higher traffic generators such as restaurants, gas stations, etc., businesses that are permitted uses within the General Commercial Zone, how will the exiting residential streets system be able to handle the traffic.

DeMallie responded that Hartford Truck/DBB Management bought this property to alleviate the congestion on their current site.  A use could be proposed to the Zoning Board of Appeals if an application should be submitted regarding the buffer variance.  DeMallie stated you could discount a lot of the permitted uses due to the location of the site.  The applicant indicated that they have no interest in anything else but constructing a building for their use and bought this property for that use.

Cummings continued that the residences in opposition gave a very reasoned complaint in regard to the existing uses for the property but they acknowledge this site as being unique.  Roadways do not fall under zoning and are available to all kinds of traffic.  McGuire Road was cut off when I291 was constructed and forced this situation.

Cummings suggested to the Commission a possible solution.  The applicant’s, Mr. and Mrs. Brannon, have been in town for many years and have a good reputation with the neighbors.  It might not be possible for  PZC to condition an approval, but the ZBA can condition the variance to be recorded on the land records and become part of the approval.  If the Commission were to grant the zone change, the applicant would commit not to file the map in the town clerks office.  The applicant would then submit an application to ZBA for the variance along the frontage and along the highway line, not along the westerly side bordering the existing Chase residence.  The application would request the variance be granted and conditioned upon the continuing operations as office and storage facility and excluding the other permitted uses that are allowed in the general commercial zone.  If that variance were granted it would be recorded and the applicant would then come forward to the PZC with a site plan.  If the variance were not granted, the PZC application would be withdrawn.

Commissioner Evans asked the applicant the number of parking spaces being planned at the new building.

DeMallie responded that the conceptual plan provides 23 spaces, 18 are required.  The applicant is proposing maximum amount of spaces to alleviate the parking at the easterly end of McGuire road where vehicles park at the cul-de-sac

Commissioner Evans questioned the zoning violation that company is being sited for.
        DeMallie stated the applicant has been operating since 1994 with no zoning violations.

        Cummings added that on September 6, 2002, he responding to a violation letter from the Zoning Enforcement Officer regarding outdoor storage and that a site plan had never been filed.  Cummings submitted a copy of the letter responding to the zoning violation.  The applicant will submit a site plan for their existing site addressing the zoning violation and the new site being proposed at the same time.

Commissioner Evans asked if the zone change would solve the zoning issues.

Cummings responded no and stated that the applicant has an outdoor display that may be considered by the Commission as outdoor storage

Commissioner Evans asked Banach if the regulations state that you cannot access a commercial property through a resident property?  Did the applicant ever have a traffic study completed?

Banach responded it refers to driveways not public streets.  You cannot put a driveway through a residential property to get to a commercial property.

DeMallie stated there is not traffic study and the question is not so much the number of vehicles but the types of vehicles.  The traffic generated by the applicant is six employee vehicles per day with one delivery per week.  The traffic will not change if this zone change is approved.  The proposal is for office space and storage space and there will not increase in traffic.

Commissioner Larsen questioned the comment from Cummings regarding if the zone change was approved the applicant would hold off on filing the mylars.  Once a zone change is approved by the Commission wouldn’t that change the zone.
        Banach indicated that she would have to confer with the Town Attorney.  It is her understanding a zone change status states that a zone change is in effect when the mylar has been filed.

Commissioner Bazzano inquired the size of the storage area existing site building.  How close is the abutting home to the property line.

DeMallie stated there is no storage capability in the existing building.  They do the vehicle repairs in the bays, a small office and 100 sq ft for parts storage.  The closest is on parcel number 5-12 on the map submitted, 60 to 70 from the property line.

Commissioner Pacekonis stated the installation service is done at the current building that is across the street from the proposed new building.  The new building would be mostly warehouse or office space?

DeMallie responded yes and being proposed is  2,400 sq ft office and display and 5,000 sq ft of storage if the zone change and variances are approved.

Chairman McCann asked for clarification of the overnight vehicles and asked for the Chase’s to elaborate on the trucks that they have observed go to this business late at night.

        Mrs. Chase responded you could hear when a truck comes up the road during the late evening.  She has observed these trucks and you can see they are carrying truck parts and plow blades.

Chairman McCann mentioned to Cummings that he has been by the site and commented that the outdoor storage does not seem to be outdoor display, there are numerous plows and truck bodies.  If this zone change was approved and the new building was constructed how many plows and truck bodies would be consider outdoor display?

Cummings stated there is a display area within the new proposed building.  The applicant will be looking to have a landscaped display outdoor area.

DeMallie clarified that the outdoor storage has been displayed since 1994.  The new building will reduce that outdoor storage but will not eliminate it.

Chairman McCann indicated it was stated that business would not increase with this new facility it is solely for office space and storage space.  This proposed site is twice the size of the current site and the outdoor storage should be reduced drastically.

DeMallie and Cummings stated the size of the facility is depending upon other commission approvals.

Chairman McCann inquired rather than have the applicant request a zone change, would the problem be alleviated by a variance that would allow outdoor storage on the exiting site.

DeMallie responded that the applicant has no ability on this site for indoor storage and the office space in limited and there is no adequate parking.

Chairman McCann asked given the buffers and setback where will the septic system be located?

DeMallie stated the site is very sandy and there will be option available and that issue will be address should the applicant come forward with an application.

Chairman McCann asked Banach the general commercial zone is the least restrictive zone we have would this business be a permitted in anymore restrictive zone that is non-residential.  It was also questions if an industrial zone could be considered.

Banach responded that the next commercial zone is restrictive commercial that allows store, restaurants, and office buildings.  The general commercial zone is the only zone that would allow this use.  The industrial zone might be a possibility.

Chairman McCann mentioned if this parcel were zone industrial could it be a special exception property that would allow the Commission to maintain some control of this property.

Chairman McCann stated he is reluctant to change a zone on a property when other variances from ZBA are required on a relatively small parcel.  This will be a difficult decision for the Commission to make.

Cummings responded if the Commission was to grant the Industrial zone instead of the General Commercial Zone the applicant would not object as long as the Commission is aware of auto body use in the Industrial Zone.

Commissioner Evans read a letter into the record from Mr. King that was not in the initial packet submitted early.

Chairman McCann suggest that applicant restrict the arrival of delivery truck that they do not arrive on unreasonable hours.

Cummings indicated that could be addressed and a condition of site plan approval.  DeMallie added the applicant has not received any complaints of the truck traffic and the applicant is willing to contact the carriers and make them aware of the delivery hours.

Commissioner Cottle asked if the applicant would be willing to confine their outdoor storage to the existing site if they had indoor storage and their office at the new building?

Cummings stated the applicant indicates they will keep the outdoor storage to the existing site.

Commissioner Larsen inquired if the applicant keeps their exiting business and builds the office space at the new site could it be restricted office.

Banach responded only if the build the office space with not storage.

Jim Aldrich, contractor for the applicant, addressed the Commissioner with a description of the building to be constructed to accommodate the product to be stored there.  The office space at the current building is very congested and needs to be larger to allow the Brannon’s to separate the accounting, sales, etc., which will require a larger office space.  The building is being designed is to be sensitive to the residential neighborhood and to compliment the entrance to South Windsor.

Chairman McCann asked if the public would like to comments on the applicant’s presentation.

Mr. McKeon stated perhaps that the applicant could look to the south side of McGuire Road that is partially zone commercial for the out door storage.

The public hearing closed.

Appl 02-48P, Horseshoe Lane Associates, LLC, request for Resubdivision, Special Exception to 4.1.12 and Site Plan of Development for a 20 unit Senior Residence Development to be known as “Summerwood”, on property located southerly of Sharon Drive, northwesterly of Hilton Drive, A-20 zone

Chairman McCann asked the applicant if they would be amiable to holding the public hearing open to October 22, 2002, to complete the presentation of this application if it is not completed.

DeMallie indicated that the applicant has no objection to holding the public hearing open.

DeMallie introduced his team that would be presenting to the Commission the application regarding a 6.37-acre parcel to be known as Summerwood.  There is a variety of housing being proposed for this Senior Residences Development (SRD).  This SRD would consist of three buildings that are multi-family with four attached ranched style units with four single family detached buildings.  The buffer for this development is different from other developments of this type with the buffer being proposed at 35-ft minimum.  Existing trees will be saved with minimum grading.  After soil testing was completed it was determined there are no wetlands on this property within eighty feet.  The 35-ft buffer, landscape plan and the low profile of the buildings would give privacy to the development as well as the abutters.  There are full utilities on the site.  There is a low density on this site with 3.2 net buildable acres where four are allowed with 31% impervious coverage. Thirty parking spaces are required and 76 are being provided that would be 3.8 per unit and 36 of these spaces are garages.  This SRD will be owner occupied 55 and older.  There are a variety of facilities within a very close proximity.

Chairman McCann took a brief minute to address the other items on the agenda and the next applicant had already left the public hearing.

Mr. Galen Semprebon came before the Commission to give an overview of the stormwater system.  Day Drive a 200 ft cul-de-sac public road will be constructed and a 400 ft private cul-de-sac road to service the development.  Semprebon indicated there would be 35’ of wooded buffer along the side of this site going down to 25’, which is the minimum along the detention basin. Semprebon explained how the stormwater system will discharge to an existing catch basin and storm pipe.  Pavement runoff will go through the detention basin.  Foundation drainage will by-pass the basin and go directly into the storm system.  Yard drains will collect the runoff from the surface yards.  The detention basin has been oversized in order to over-detain part of the runoff because it has been found that there is a hydrolic problem in this area.

Semprebon gave an overview of the operation of ground water in the basin system, and reviewed the engineering comments.

Bill Hillson, Traffic Engineering Solutions, stated the executive study in the traffic report is a general summary of the report.  The turn around counts and analysis were done at Sharon Drive and Hilton Drive and it was determined that it will operate at service level A.  The site distances are adequate regarding speeds within the posted speed limits.  Hillson referred to page 5 of the traffic report indicated the trips for a Senior Residence Development and the existing traffic on Sharon Drive and Hilton Drive indicating they both travel at a service A entering and existing during peak hours.

Commissioner Wentzell left the meeting.

Rosemary Aldrich of InSite Landscaping presented the landscaping plan.  There is a 35 foot landscaped buffer around the perimeter of the property. A majority of the land exists in a vegetative state currently with primarily deciduous trees and shrubs, and they plan on supplementing the edges with evergreen trees (5-6 feet high at planting).

Along the detention basin there will be native seed mix along the edge and at the bottom of the water quality basin native cattails, etc. that will be able to fluctuate with the water in the basin area.

They will be groups of plantings of blue spruce, deciduous trees and shrubs placed between the units to break up the views and to add some color.

The applicant is proposing decorative lighting – single pole with a gooseneck, full cut-off fixtures.  The poles will be 12 feet in height with 100-watt bulbs providing even lighting of about .5 foot-candle throughout the development.

Elma Martinez presented the architectural drawings for the multi-family units.  The town house units will be two-story 1,720 sq ft consisting of a living room, dining room, kitchen, master bedroom, bathroom and laundry with a one-car garage.  There will be two types of end units that are referred to as garden home units consisting of one level units 1,400 sq ft or 1,625 sq ft with the same lay out consisting of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, two car garage, laundry room.   She indicated that the colors had not been finalized but they intended to use architectural shingles and earth tone colors for the units.  The buildings would be vinyl sided. The trim color to be used will be an “off-white” color. She indicated that all the units will have a basement and that they will have entry porches. She state that any of the units could be made to be handicap accessible.

Rich Granger presented the single-family units there are four models consisting of ranch style and cape styles.  The design incorporates first floor master bedrooms and one and two car garages.  The units vary in styles and compliment the multi-family units and trim materials and optional porches and sunrooms would be of the same architectural style.

DeMallie stated there was a number of people that have left the meeting that would have liked to have spoken and will appear at the continued public hearing on October 22, 2002

DeMallie mentioned that concludes their presentation and stated they are available for questions from the Commission, public, etc.

Chairman McCann asked DeMallie if his team would be available on October 22, 2002.

DeMallie indicated that Rosemary Aldrich would not be available due to a conflict.

Chairman McCann asked if anyone had questions for Rosemary Aldrich and McCann indicated he had a few questions.

McCann asked what size of the trees would be planted and commented the red cedar trees can conflict with apple trees.

Aldrich responded evergreen trees are being proposed at 5 to 6 feet in height at planting and the shade trees 2-3 inch caliper, shrubs vary from 15 inches in spread to 2 ½ - 3 feet in height.

McCann questioned berry-producing shrubs being so close to the residences.  Would these shrubs bring other animals into the area?

Aldrich stated it is always desirable to provided food for birds.  These shrubs might bring in rabbits and small mammals.

McCann commented that habitat is usually requested, but being to close it residences it might want to be reviewed.

        Aldrich responded that she would take McCann comments into consideration.

McCann inquired if town staff had any concerns regarding the plantings.

Banach stated she had spoke with Aldrich regarding the buffer and there is a provision in the regulations that allows for gaps between buffer areas for view.  In this case it does not seem appropriate because the views would be of other backyards if this application were approved.
It is suggest to fill in the buffer where there are missing areas.

        Aldrich agreed

Chairman McCann opened the questions for Aldrich to the public:

Bob Sour, Hilton Drive, suggested that the plantings of cattails would be making the area a swamp.

        Aldrich referred Mr. Sour to the Engineer on the project.

Salva Savvadies concerns is the back of his property is very sandy and there is erosion in that area and if the trees to be planted in the buffer will help stop some of the erosion.

        Aldrich indicated she was not sure of the location and what could help is that the detention is being moved over to the west.  The new plantings will be very adaptable to a sandy soil.  It was mentioned that a netting or erosion control fabric when the planting are installed.

David Block commented that it seem by planting blue spruces will eliminate the grass from growing underneath and the erosion problems can be worse.  He had the blue spruces on his property line and the inner branches died they were nothing but problems because the soil is all sand.

        Aldrich commented the best solution is keep the evergreen branches as close to the ground as possible and not trying to go grass underneath.  The trees will be surrounded with mulch that will aid in keeping them

Bill Donavan, Hilton Drive, why have cattails been chosen when there is a wet bottom basin instead of a grass area.

        Aldrich stated the plants that are being proposed for the basin are appropriate for a wet bottom basin.

DeMallie indicated they would be available to address those basin comments at the continued public hearing.

Tom Brown, Hilton Drive, the problem with the basin for drainage has been clogged for years with branches, roots, and leaves.  Brown stated he always has water in his basement.

Chairman McCann stated the hearing on this application would continue to October 22, 2002.

Appl 02-55P, Natitus Home Occupation, request for a five-year major home occupation to operate a landscaping business on property located at 586 Foster Street, AA-30 Zone

The applicant left the public hearing and will be rescheduled to another public hearing date.

The public hearing closed.  There was a five-minute recess and the regular meeting convened in
the Council Chambers.


Chairman McCann called the Regular Meeting to order.

Commissioner Pacekonis was appointed to sit for Commissioner Montana.
Commissioner Bazzano was appointed to sit for Commissioner Wentzell.

ITEM: Bonds

Appl. 02-52P, Vintage Hills Subdivision Bond – Phase 1

Motion to set subdivision bond for Phase 1 at $355,400.00 was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl. 02-52P, Vintage Hills Subdivision Bond – Phase 2

Motion to set subdivision bond for Phase 2 at $277,130.00 was made by Commissioner Evans, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

ITEM: Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 p.m. was made by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Choate.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelli Holmes
Recording Secretary